Categoría: Sober living

Alcoholic liver disease: Symptoms, treatment, and causes

As the liver no longer processes toxins properly, a person will be more sensitive to medications and alcohol. Alcohol use speeds up the liver’s destruction, reducing the liver’s ability to compensate for the current damage.…

Loving An Addict 13 Ways To Manage Loving An Addict

Many people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol want to quit, but find themselves unable to do so without help. If your partner is struggling with addiction, know that they are likely dealing with…

What Happens If I Drink Alcohol After a Long Period of Sobriety? by Paul Goodman AINYFAlcohol is NOT Your Friend

People in recovery can experience a lot of shame simply for having become addicted in the first place. Most people who make their way into recovery have left a lot of pain and suffering in their…